ISSN: 3005-9321 (print version)

Seismogeological interpretation of the wave-reflecting horizons of the eastern side of the transition zone from the South Caspian to the Middle Caspian basin

Abdulla-zade M.Ch.1,2, Namazli N.E.2

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan 34, Azadliq Ave., Baku, AZ1010:

2 Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Azerbaijan 119, H.Javid ave., Baku, AZ1073:

Summary. The attractiveness of the shelf sedimentary basins of the Caspian Sea region, and, firstly, the most accessible of them - the active margin of the Scythian-Turanian platform, is associated with the improvement and detailing of the existing models of the geological structure and history of development of the region. The purpose of the presented work was to create geological models of the structure and restore the evolution of sedimentary basins of the transitional part of the Middle Caspian and South Caspian basins based on the accumulated data of drilling and seismic exploration in the water areas and geological survey in the adjacent land areas. The article reflects the information content of seismic sections across different parts of the region, which exhibit varying seismogeological conditions. The clarification of wave-formed objects, determined by objective seismic parameters such as the configuration and relative positioning of reflections, their continuity, as well as the amplitude and frequency of seismic waves, served as the foundation for conducting seismic stratigraphic analysis of the wave field. Based on an analysis of these conditions, the authors have clarified and defined four distinct seismic horizons: SH-A, SH-I, SH-II, and SH-III different parts of the region, each characterized by unique seismogeological conditions. These seismic horizons were delineated according to reflection dynamic expressiveness, length, and the resolution. The article highlights that the tracking quality of these horizons varies significantly. Schematic structural maps compiled from these analyses illustrate the geological structure of the Red-colored strata and Akchagyl sediments, and effectively correlate their structural plans.

Keywords: The South Caspian basin, The Middle Caspian basin, Absheron-Prebalkhan threshold, Red-colored strata, seismostratigraphic analysis, horizon, seismic reflections, interpretation


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