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ISSN: 3005-9321 (print version)
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Brachiopods as indicators of the Upper Devonian Frasnian sedimentation in the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province

Bakulina L.P., Dovjikova Y.G.
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Comprehensive gravity and magnetic data analysis for quantitative determining salt bodies in complex physical-geological environments

Eppelbaum L.V.
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Seismogeological interpretation of the wave-reflecting horizons of the eastern side of the transition zone from the South Caspian to the Middle Caspian basin

Abdulla-zade M.Ch., Namazli N.E.
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Petrography and geochemical characterization of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Vandam zone (southern slope of the Greater Caucasus, Azerbaijan): implications for maturity, paleoclimate and paleoweathering

Guliyev E.Kh.
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